“Unruly Hair Syndrome” – look what an Australian with this syndrome looks like!

A girl named Shyla from Australia, known throughout the world for her unusual hair, is already 12 years old. By the way, she was born the most ordinary, and no one could even think that she would be any different from her peers.
However, as Shaila grew up, her parents began to notice how quickly the amount of hair on her daughter’s head increased, and how naughty they became. It was simply impossible to comb the hair!
Children laughed at the appearance of the girl, and adults advised the mother to take better care of her daughter’s hair.
And then the parents decided to show Shayla to the doctors. The point was that the girl has unruly hair syndrome. For a long time, Shaila was embarrassed by her appearance, but then she realized that she was unusual, not like everyone else.
And there was nothing wrong with that. By the way, there are only 100 carriers of this syndrome in the world! Now Shaila is already 12, and she is a real star.
The girl is often invited to talk shows, and thousands of people follow the life of the girl in social networks and look forward to her new photos.
Moreover, Madison plans to become a professional model in the future. Lets wish the girl good luck and may her dream come true!
What do you think about this syndrome?