What would Hollywood stars look like if they gained 40-50 lbs?

 What would Hollywood stars look like if they gained 40-50 lbs?

Each of us is used to seeing celebrities beautiful and in shape. On the screen, everyone tries to look perfect and without flaws, but let’s imagine that famous media personalities have gained some 45 lbs.

Angelina Jolie

Angie has always been extremely thin, and it is impossible to imagine her fat. She looks great exactly in her body.

Leonardo DiCaprio

The famous Hollywood man was always fit, sometimes he gains too much, but extra 40-50 lbs would obviously not do him any good.

Jennifer Aniston

It’s good that Jennifer has never gained so much weight!

Johnny Depp

If Johnny got some weight, he would be a nice chubby guy and it wouldn’t spoil him much.

Julia Roberts

Even if Julia had gained some extra pounds, she wouldn’t have looked terrible.

Keanu Reeves

But Keanu is better to be slim!

Brad Pitt

Extra weight immediately aged Brad. He became 10 years older.

Daniel Radcliffe

The plumness does not suit Radcliffe. He became completely unrecognizable.

Which transformation do you like best?


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