Wiley is a cute Dalmatian puppy with a heart-shaped nose: Look at the handsome boy, he’s a real heartthrob

This puppy conquered the hearts of many people.
Wiley is an adorable little creature with a heart-shaped mark in the middle of his nose.
Because of the spot’s perfect placement, you may think it’s Photoshop, but it’s not.
His mom Lexi Smith was worried that the heart would fade when he got older.
Fortunately, nothing happened to it.
Everyone always first notices his cute nose. His inner heart is as adorable as his outer one.
He has 22000 followers on Instagram who adore how social and adorable he is.
His owner received such a miracle in the form of a lovely little dog.
She admits that his birth improved her life and that she is honored to be his mother. She always dreamt about a pet just like him.
He brings joy and happiness wherever he goes.