Woman did not like cats at all. She thought these animals are selfish and cold. But this kitten changed her opinion about cats!

 Woman did not like cats at all. She thought these animals are selfish and cold. But this kitten changed her opinion about cats!

Brazilian Stephanie once heard her dog barking loudly from her backyard. She went out into the yard and saw a small tabby kitten near the fence. It was raining and the poor fellow was completely wet and cold and shivering from the cold.

Stephanie picked up the kitten and started looking around and asking neighbors to figure out where she came from. But she didn’t manage to find his owners, apparently the kitten was homeless.

When Stephanie’s friend Julia Braule leant about the kitten, she offered to take him home. Julia named the kitten Luna. However, when Julia brought the kitten to her home, her father immediately agreed to adopt the animal, but Julia’s mother was against.

She did not like cats and considered them cold and selfish animals. But She let Luna stay at their home for a couple of days unless Julia finds a new home for the kitten.

“When Luna came, she began to explore our house. Our dog Cookie immediately became shy when he saw Luna and my mother was also not happy with the unexpected guest. But everything changed in the next two days,” says Julia.

Julia began to look for new owners for the kitten, and meanwhile the kitten had her own plans. The next morning, Julia’s mother woke up when the kitten was lying on her bed, trying to “kiss” her face and purring loudly.

And when Julia’s mother got up and walked around the house, the kitten followed her everywhere. Luna sat in the kitchen while she was preparing breakfast and tried to start playing whenever the woman was around.

“My mother fell in love with Luna and she has become a permanent member of our family,” Julia added.

Cookie made friends with the cat as well. Luna loved to play with the dog’s tail and they run after each other.

“Luna loves to lie around like a plush toy for most of the day, but then she starts running and running around with redoubled energy. In the evening Luna and my dad love to watch TV together”, Julia said.


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