Woman took care of the cat she had found in the forest and soon the cat presented her five “surprises”

 Woman took care of the cat she had found in the forest and soon the cat presented her five “surprises”

This black cat was spotted walking in the woods near Seattle, Washington. At the sight of a casual traveler, the cat behaved very friendly and allowed herself to be taken away and brought home. So Tiffany noticed the cat and offered to take care of her.

After examination, it turned out that the cat herself was very thin, her bones could be felt well if you stroked the cat. But in the area of her abdomen, she had something like a large tumor or … pregnancy.

For several days, Tiffany tried to find the owners of the found cat, but no one responded to her ads on social networks. A couple of days later, the cat began to give birth.

Tiffany quickly contacted Ashley from “Youngest Old Cat Lady” and together they helped the cat produce five healthy and black kittens like their mother. If Tiffany had not adopted the cat, then these kittens would have been born in a cold, damp forest. And there they might not survive.

After giving birth, the cat and kittens agreed to be adopted by the Progressive Animal Welfare Society in Linwood, Washington.

The mom cat that was called Zee turned out to be a caring mother. She feeds the kittens well, and she herself is intensively fed with meat by volunteers.

Two weeks later, the kittens began to open their eyes. Then the kittens were examined and it turned out that there were three boys and two girls.

Soon the kittens will be sterilized and will be adopted by families.

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