Woman who gave birth to her 22nd child feels great after 800 weeks of pregnancy!

 Woman who gave birth to her 22nd child feels great after 800 weeks of pregnancy!

44-year-old Sue Radford and her husband Noel who is 48 are hero parents. Having grown up in foster families the boy and the girl promised to create a big and happy family. The couple this year welcomed their 22nd child. The couple is the largest family in the UK.

Sue and Noel have known each other since childhood. They had their first child when the girl was 14 years old. In total, she spent 800 weeks of her life in a state of pregnancy, but subscribers on social networks note that Sue looks very good.

The family has their own blog on Instagram and a Youtube channel where they often share moments from their everyday life, holidays and happy moments.

Sue and Noel felt the absence of family love and parental care so they wanted to raise as many children as possible.

The youngest Heidi was born on April 5, 2020, 12 days earlier than expected, weighing 3.1 kg. The baby is healthy and very calm, according to her mother.

Did you like the story of this big family? Would you dare to have so many children?

Wish the smallest member of the family good health and carefree childhood!





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