A gorilla gave birth to a baby and cannot stop admiring him. Look how tenderly she kisses him!

 A gorilla gave birth to a baby and cannot stop admiring him. Look how tenderly she kisses him!

When baby Moki was born, mom couldn’t stop kissing and hugging him!

Today we want to share with you a touching video of how a mother shows love toward her baby.

Scientists have long established that the genomes of gorillas and humans differ by only 1.6%. It turns out that monkeys are the closest “relatives” of humans. In many films, gorillas are aggressive and not very kind animals, but in real life this is not entirely true. If they are not touched and offended, then they can be absolutely indifferent to those who are nearby.

Another interesting fact: gorillas are very reverent and gentle with their children, just like humans. A video of a female primate kissing her newborn baby has gone viral.

This is 15-year-old Kalaya. She lives in one of the zoos in the United States. She has recently given birth to a son that was later called Moki.

When Kalaya was still pregnant, specialists worked with her and taught her skills of motherhood. As soon as Moki was born, his mom cannot stop kissing and hugging him. It’s a pleasure to watch this scene!

The baby will remain with his mother up to 5 years, despite the fact that they acquire independence much earlier.


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