In India warm sweaters are knitted for shelter elephants to protect them from cold!

 In India warm sweaters are knitted for shelter elephants to protect them from cold!

Winters in northern India are usually very cold. And at Wildlife SOS India, the elephants were knitted warm and beautiful sweaters and sewn trousers. This is reported by the site

It takes volunteers about four weeks to create one sweater, because the elephant is the largest land mammal on Earth. Clothes for elephants turned out not only warm, but also elegant.

Despite their big size and thick skin elephants are vulnerable to frost. The founders of the center said that elephants can get sick because of the cold, they can catch pneumonia and besides arthritis is quite common among these animals and it can aggravate during the cold.

It is reported that while only 3 out of 23 elephants received bright sweaters, the rest are saved from the cold with simple blankets.

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