Seeing the girl, the cat from the shelter hugged her tightly and buried himself in her collar. But she couldn’t adopt him…

 Seeing the girl, the cat from the shelter hugged her tightly and buried himself in her collar. But she couldn’t adopt him…

Andy Broumagen and his fiancée Jessica Paren decided it would be nice if they got a cat. With these thoughts, they went to a local shelter.

Passing by the enclosures with animals, Jessica liked a big cat that looked at her with sad eyes. The girl decided to take him in her arms.

At that moment, the cat hugged Jessica incredibly tightly and buried his muzzle in her collar. He didn’t want to let her go…

He was in this shelter a little over two weeks. He was brought back to the shelter because he did not get along at all with other animals and small children.

Jessica decided to call him Clutch because of his very tight hug. But she couldn’t take him home…

The fact is that they have a small child and the cat can show aggression. They also have a 19-year-old old cat who demands love and affection from them. And because of her age, she will not be able to cope with such a characteristic cat as Clutch.

But they could not leave the cat in the shelter and decided to help him find a new home.

“When I tried to get him back into the cage, he grabbed me tightly and didn’t want to let me go. It was so touching that I couldn’t hold back my tears. The thought of not taking him broke my heart”, said Jessica.

Jessica decided to post a video of Clutch to the cat fan group on Facebook and the video immediately went viral.

People were touched by the behavior of this lonely cat. And when Jessica decided to visit Clutch the next day, she saw several families who came to the shelter just for this cat.

A day later, Jessica received a call from the orphanage and she was informed that a wonderful family had been found for Clutch. She was happy for him!



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