These two siblings separated 80 years ago are reunited, and you will cry when you see their touching reunion

 These two siblings separated 80 years ago are reunited, and you will cry when you see their touching reunion

War has broken up families.

Beryl Johnson and her brother Bill Stewart were separated for 80 years.

Their parents died and they became orphans.

She has been adopted. The last time they saw each other they hugged firmly and broke down in tears. That was the last time they saw each other.

 Beryl settled down in Adelaide. Sydney became the new home for Bill. Now he is 91 and all this time he was desperately trying to find his sister. He returned to Adelaide repeatedly to find Beryl since the orphanage gave no directions.

Beryl’s searches for him were unsuccessful too. Eventually, she started to think that her brother wasn’t alive.  

In 2019 the remains of those who died on the ship, where Bill and Beryl’s father died, were discovered. A memorial service was organized for all 38 dead.

Bill’s relative Kylie Watson attended the service. As part of the search team, she offered to assist Bill in finding his sister.

They managed to find out that Beryl is still in Adelaide.

Kylie printed ads asking for any information about Beryl.

He was relieved to hear that his sister was alive and would contact him within a few days when he received a call from his granddaughter.

They met a year ago. They hugged for so long and couldn’t let go. Bill promised her that he will never leave her alone no matter what.

They stayed in touch and call each other every day at 8 am. The two of them celebrate all holidays together. It was such a blessing that they reconnected after so long.

The sister said that they will be there for each other for as long as they can.


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